Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Tess Whitehurst, author of Magical Housekeeping, The Art of Bliss, The Good Energy Book, The Magic of Flowers, and the new Magical Fashionista.

Mundane is an illusion; only magic is real. With that in mind, even the most everyday things can be vehicles of divine inspiration. This includes getting dressed in the morning. You’re going to do it anyway, so why not make it a magical act? Here are three ways that you can do just that.Tess Whitehurst

  1. Clear Closet Clutter.
    If you’ve read any of my books or spent much time at either of my blogs, you know that I have to start with this one—I’m obsessed with clutter clearing. Think of it like this: we are attached with a cord of energy to everything we own. So look at every item presently in your wardrobe and decide: is it giving you energy, or is it taking energy from you? If you never wear it, or feel less than fabulous in it, you know it’s the latter. (For more advice on this, check out this post on
  2. See Yourself as a Work of Art.
    I love this quote by the accomplished fashion consultant Jennifer Butler: “…You always look beautiful. If something doesn’t look right, it’s the outfit that doesn’t live up to your beauty, not the other way around.” Indeed, I have found that when I start with the premise that I look gorgeous, I have a much easier and more pleasant time assembling an ensemble that I feel great in, and that matches my mood for the day. So take some time to get to know the divine work of art that you are. For example, look in the mirror and marvel at your eyes! Oh, how magically they sparkle!
  3. Find Your Fashion Angel.
    A really fun magical fashion practice is finding your fashion angel. This can be a fashion icon who no longer dwells in this physical realm (such as Clara Bow), a divinity or ascended master (such as Archangel Jophiel, the angel of beauty), or a deceased relative whose style you always admired. Mine is the last of those options: my Grandma Cecey was a very elegant grandma who always insisted on taking me shopping for new clothes. Whenever I go shopping now, or when I attend clothing swaps, I like to ask for her help in finding good deals on things that look great on me. I also keep her in mind when selecting clothes and like to look for things that she might have chosen for herself. Whomever you choose, let it be someone whose aesthetic (visible, as in the case of Clara Bow, or energetic, as in the case of Archangel Jophiel) you appreciate and who feels like they will bestow their fashion and beauty blessings upon you. You might even make a little altar to your fashion angel next to your closet or in your bathroom! Then you can light a candle and incense to your angel when you get dressed or before you go shopping. (Fun, right?)

Our thanks to Tess for her guest post! For more from Tess Whitehurst, read her article “Dress for the Life You Want with Magical Fashion.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...