I’ve read that most New Year’s Resolutions are history by January 10. Many people who teach others how to achieve goals advise not making resolutions but rather setting clear, measurable goals (including a timeframe) and making step-by-step plans for achieving them.

Tarot-Related Goals

Do you make any tarot-related resolutions…or set any short- or long-term goals related to your tarot practice? I’d love to hear about them in the comments. Here are some ideas that I like:

Plan on adding a new system (such as numerology, astrology, elemental dignities, or Kabalah) to your card interpretation.

Or master a completely new deck.

Or create a series of spreads.

Non-Tarot Goals

Or do you use the tarot to help you set and achieve your goals? This spread might prove useful:


1. go through your deck and pick a card that you think represents the area of your life that you seek to improve or the goal you wish to achieve.

Now shuffle the deck (without the card you selected for position 1) and lay out the rest of the cards as you would for any reading.

3. Strength: this is what you already have and can use as you move forward.

4. Challenge: this is what you will face and by facing it create the change you seek.

5. Help: this is where you can find help; it can be a person, a technique, an area of study, an activity or action, etc.

6. Next Step: this is what to do next in facing the challenge.

2. Outcome: this is the goal or outcome; what this area of your life will look like at the end of this phase of the journey.

It is important to remember that this spread will take you through your journey to achieving your goal in steps one step at a time. As your year progresses and you achieve this particular leg of the journey, do the spread over to plan for the next phase. Repeat as needed until you’ve reached the goal you sought.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...