Do I dare

Disturb the universe?

In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

~TS Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Every month when I get ready to write my blog entries, I ask my Facebook friends what they would like me to write about. Then I mostly ignore them. But this month, I am taking almost all of their ideas. Celeste Heldstab, proprietress of Bayou Witch Incense (where magic makes scents!), suggests that I talk about reversals and if they are needed.

I did write about reversals back in October, over six months ago, so it is a good time to revisit this subject. For my entire tarot-reading life, I have never taken to reversals. I do give them a try every year or two, just to make sure nothing’s changed. But in October, when I heard Paul Quinn’s story, things felt different. What Paul said really made sense (check it out here). And so, ever since then, I’ve been using them. And you know what? I like them!!!

I did not adopt any rigid philosophy about them that I apply to every card in every instance. I did not memorize or consciously decide on what the reversed meanings would be for each card. And if you know me at all, you will think, “well, that is very un-Barbara-like.” And you would be right.

But many things in BarbaraTarotLand are changing. I’ve been actively working on my intuitive skills and trying to loosen up a bit. So it is not really surprising that I’ve added a little more chaos to my readings by including reversals.

In addition to providing nuance to my card meanings, I find that reversed cards also show places in a situation where the querent can take action and control. If the outcome of a situation is not to the querent’s liking and they would like to change it, I check to see if there are any reversed cards in the reading. I turn them rightside up and see how that changes the reading. If that makes it more favorable, then the querent and I see how they can go about releasing the blocked energy indicated by the reversed cards. This practice came from ideas from Mary K. Greer and Donnaleigh de la Rose. I am experimenting to see if this works the other way ‘round (if the outcome isn’t favorable, try reversing cards to block the energy and thereby change the outcome…why wouldn’t it? Well, I’ll keep you posted on that).

Do I think reversals are necessary? Nope. I didn’t use them for almost 20 years and read just fine. My only real advice is whatever you decide for now, always try it the other way every once in a while to see if it feels differently. Or just to shake things up. It is easy to become set in our ways.

But what about you? What’s your opinion? And if you do use them, what are some interesting tips or techniques that you’d like to share?

(The cards pictured are the Hanged Man cards from the Shadowscapes Tarot and the Tarot of the Magical Forest.)

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...