This is a special notice for all of my friends in the Southern California Area.

Starting this Friday, March 25, I am teaching a certification course in hypnosis. This is not a typical metaphysical class where you spend a couple of hours. This is a full training, involving 60 hours of in-class work and 40 hours of homework.

Students will learn several different hypnotic inductions and practice them with other students. More importantly, you’ll learn what to do before the induction and how to give suggestions after people are hypnotized.

This is the most complete training ever offered to the metaphysical community in Los Angeles. I realize that people in our community have been hit hard by economic difficulties. Normally, this training would cost about $1,500. However, in support of the community, it’s only going to be $3.00 per hour of training, just $300.

After you receive this training you will be certified as a hypnotherapist and be able to practice hypnotherapy in California. Whether you just want a true, in-depth training in hypnosis, want to help your friends, or want to start a new career, this training will provide everything you need, including all aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy to the law and scope of practice. You’ll learn how to advertise and get free publicity.

This training will be offered through The Green Man store in North Hollywood. For more in-depth information about the class, see this LINK to my website.

I actually began my study and practice of hypnosis over 25 years ago, however I began a formal study of hypnosis and allied arts just over a decade ago. Since that time I have received numerous trainings in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I am certified as a hypnosis practitioner through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), The American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), The Society for Experiential Trance (SET), and the Association for Integrative Psychology (AIP). I am certified as a master practitioner of NLP through the AIP and am certified to teach hypnosis by the ABH and the SET. I have hypnotized thousands of people individually and in workshops all around the U.S. [If you would like to sponsor me to give a hypnosis training or any of the other subjects I teach, please contact me: To learn about some of the other workshops I offer, please click on this LINK.

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...