Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Philip Imbrogno, author of Ultraterrestrial Contact, Night Siege, Files from the Edge, and Interdimensional Universe, and co-author of the new Vengeful Djinn.

We know this ancient race of beings as genies, but in the Middle East they are known as Djinn or Jinn. While tracking down the mysterious Djinn in Saudi Arabia, a very old and wise Muslim holy man said to me, “There are no UFOs, there are no ghosts, no demons, nor fallen angels; there are only Djinn!” He was trying to tell me that what we call the paranormal is actually manifestations of these elusive beings.

The word Djinn can be traced to the Persian word Janna, which means “hidden.” This description is fairly apt, since for the most part Djinn cannot be seen by us. In ancient Persia it was thought that the race of Djinn was invisible and lived in a very remote place on Earth. For almost two decades I have done considerable research into the Djinn and used my background in physics to interpret the ancient Persian, and more recent Muslim, folklore for the modern world.

It is my theory that the Djinn are not invisible, but cannot be seen because they exist in a dimension that is very close to our own reality. From this other dimension they can see us but we only get glimpses of them when they choose to interact with people in our plane of existence.

Djinn are not human; according to the noble Qur’an, God created them from smokeless fire. This could mean that Djinn bodies are actually made up of the fourth state of matter called plasma. Plasma is an ionized form of matter with no physical form, but can change shape in a magnetic field.

According to legend, the race of Djinn was the master of Earth before the human race. After polluting the physical universe and warring with each other, an army of angels was sent by Allah to isolate the Djinn race in another dimension where they could do no harm to themselves or this plane of existence. The legend goes on to say the Djinn want this world back and the only way they achieve this is to get rid of the human race.

In The Vengeful Djinn, Rosemary Ellen Guiley and I reveal the hidden agenda of this mysterious race that has interacted with mankind for countless centuries.

Our thanks to Philip Imbrogno for his guest post! For more from Philip, visit his Author Profile for a full list of his books and articles.

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...