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For many of us the weather is still quite cold. But with the Vernal Equinox that has just occurred, Spring has sprung. In the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, “In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” I would add that it’s also a young woman’s thoughts that may turn to love, as might the thoughts of people of all ages. Plus, many plants and animals propagate, stressing that there is a type of “love” that goes beyond mere emotions. It’s an actual energy that envelops the planet.

Sigmund Freud, by Max Halberstadt, 1921

Does this sound like some metaphysical pablum? Love is an energy beyond mere emotions? It’s not. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, originally called libido an actual energy. He believed a blockage in this energy was what caused psychological problems, and to cure such problems you needed to free the energy. Later, because he realized the society he lived in couldn’t accept what this would entail, he change the concept of libido from an energy to a mere drive or desire.

But tell that to someone who is in love! They can literally feel the love energy throbbing through their veins. Aleister Crowley’s famous dictum, “Love is the law, love under will,” does not merely mean that feelings of love are important, for it immediately follows in The Book of the Law, “Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love.” Indeed, there is love the emotion and love the energy.

Love the energy is incredibly powerful and creative. We literally need this energy to survive and thrive. Without it we dry up and become mere husks of humanity. We need the energy of love as surely as we need air and water. And if we don’t have it we’ll do anything to get it, including performing rites of magick and casting love spells.

Two Types of Love Spells

There are two approaches to love spells, one is foolish, the other positive. The first is what most people think of as a love spell. It’s based on the notion that love is simply a desire for someone—someone specific. There are several problems with doing a love spell to make one specific individual want you and fall in love with you. First, if you do a spell to make that particular woman or man love you—and this is possible—you are forcing them to do something against their will. Some will say that this is the essence of black magick. While I basically agree, giving magick qualities of color ends up being confusing and overlapping. Although I do this at the beginning of Modern Magick to make basic learning easier, later in the book I point out that magick is magick and such colorful qualifications are unneeded.

Yes, we shouldn’t force someone to do things against their will, but the truth is, we manipulate people all the time. From asking someone to “pass the salt” to forcing them to live under onerous laws, it’s a common thing to do. So even if it is black magick, so what? We can still do it and damn the karma!

I still think spells to make someone love you are foolish, not because they’re black magick, but because they’re ultimately self-defeating. You’ll always know that the only reason that person claims to love you is because of the spell. It’s not real love. It’s not real emotions. It’s not real love energy. It’s not real.

“Well, okay,” you might be thinking. “She’s hot and I’m not, so I’m willing to live with that.” But there’s another thing to consider. If you can put such a spell on another person, someone else could be putting a similar spell on you! How would you like it if the person you thought was the scuzziest, skankiest person you’d ever met made you fall in love with them?

This type of love spell is just a bad idea, and I’ll not be describing how to do it. Perform regular banishings to avoid this problem. A good banishing will prevent such negativity from entering your space.

A Better Approach

A far better way to perform a love spell is to make the universe aware that you’re ready for an influx of true love energy. This also involves making yourself ready for love and being open to accepting this energy when it arrives. How do you do this? I’ll describe techniques for preparing for real love magick in part two of this series.

Other Parts of this Series:

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...