Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Donald Tyson, author of a vast number of books, including The Serpent of Wisdom, The Demonology of King James I, and Necronomicon.


Donald Tyson Most of you have probably seen video clips of famous people whose eyes seem to change for a moment into snake-like eyes with vertical slits instead of round pupils. YouTube has no shortage of them. Fans of David Icke claim they are evidence that the world is ruled by alien shape-shifters that Icke calls reptilians. Most of the time, the theory goes, these aliens look exactly like us, but now and then they let their guard down, and their reptilian eyes pop into view.

Icke gets the most credit for this theory, but he is scarcely its originator. In 1929 the creator of Conan the Barbarian, Robert E. Howard, wrote a story titled “The Shadow Kingdom” in which he described a secret, alien race living among the nobility of the kingdom of Valusia, who had controlled the fate of mankind behind the scenes for thousands of years without being recognized, because they could adopt the appearance of humans. If you saw the first Conan movie, released in 1982, you caught a hint of this plot device when the evil wizard Thulsa Doom transformed himself into a giant snake and slithered away.

The concept of a race of reptilian aliens living among us was also used to advantage in the 1983 two-part television mini series V. No one can forget watching the jaws of these aliens disguised as humans unhinge and expand grotesquely to accept live mice as their preferred food. In John Carpenter’s movie They Live, mankind is ruled by an alien race that can take on the appearance of human beings, and control the fate of humans through a kind of induced hypnotic trance that is broadcast electronically. They are not reptilian in appearance, but in other respects they resemble Icke’s reptilian overlords.

What is the reason for the perennial popularity of this myth? It may in part be due to the reality of our social hierarchy. Every culture is ruled by a very small upper class, which usually has the power of life and death over average citizens. They make the laws, control the money system and major industry, collect the taxes, and set the social narrative. This ruling class is, at the top of the pyramid, no more than a few dozen extended family bloodlines, and there is a strong tendency for these families to breed among themselves (they are sometimes called “bluebloods” for this reason).

Many generations of separation and interbreeding among the ruling class of a society cause differentiation between the rulers and the common people. The rulers don’t quite look the same. They speak differently, even with a different accent. They have a different code of behavior. They are, in a sense, an alien race living among the common people.

Such ruling classes tend to be more ruthless than commoners. They are willing to terminate the employment of thousands of workers to improve the bottom line of a company, or to start a war that will cause the deaths of thousands of human beings merely for purposes of political advantage. In this sense they truly are an alien race among us.

Our thanks to Donald for his guest post! Visit Donald Tyson’s author page for more information, including articles and his books.

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...