Posted Under Tarot

A Tarot Rite for Winter Mornings

Reading Tarot Cards by Candlelight

The imagery of the tarot can be used as the focus for rituals that help us concentrate on goals, channel archetypal energies, and shape the quality of our daily lives. The following rite uses the imagery of the Sun, Judgement, and Magician cards to activate the Sun within and put its creative energies to work. It is a rite you may especially wish to use on winter mornings, when you can feel depressed or lethargic due to confinement and lack of light. It can also help those of us who are slow starters on any morning.

Performing the Ritual
Before you perform this rite, take a moment first to stand before your door or window and gaze out on the world outdoors. Even if it's still dark, or if your living quarters don't allow much of a view, it is important to make a link with Nature, the changing seasons, and the cycles of day and night.

First off, while many of us think it natural to burn candles at night, we often overlook their potential to bring cheer to dark mornings. Therefore, light a candle that is a solar color, such as yellow, gold, or orange.

Then, lay out the following tarot cards while you say the appropriate affirmations. Lay out the Sun and say clearly:

As I light this flame,
I greet this morning with joy.
I honor Heaven's Daystar,
as I call upon the power
of the Sun within me.
The solar core of energy enlivens my being,
just as that other Sun which burns
as the fiery core of the Earth.
Sun above, Sun below, and Sun within.

As you do this, breathe in a deep but relaxed manner and massage your upper and lower abdominal areas; this will stimulate your solar plexus chakra and energy centers. Visualize golden rays that flow through you like waves—from sources both without and within—energizing your every cell.

Next, lay out the Judgement card. Here, Judgement is used to symbolize the fullest awakening. Envision your body as thoroughly enlivened and regenerated, and your mind as fully alert and aware. Then repeat the following lines:

My mind and body are filled
with strength and power.
Creative energies flow through me
and transfigure me
with inspiration and enthusiasm.

Finally, lay out the Magician and say:

I channel this radiant energy
for I am a spirit of light
and a creature of magic.
I am the master (or mistress) of magic,
with the power to craft my day,
with the power to craft my destiny.

Visualize yourself accomplishing some important tasks this day, performing them joyfully and skillfully, with the knowledge that even your simplest duties serve a higher purpose. Be sure to infuse everything you do with a touch of magic.

Afterward, you may extinguish the candle and put away your cards, or you may allow candle and cards to stay out for as long as is convenient.




Evening Meditation
A tarot meditation similar to the morning ritual can be performed in the evening, as you relax from the day's activities and take stock of your actions. This meditation is not a full ritual, but rather a way to calm your mind and release tension.

Place the High Priestess in front of you. Focus on the card, thinking of the forces and ideas that you have set in motion today. Next lay down the Empress, and recall the projects and plans you have created. Finally, set down Temperance, thinking of the lessons you have learned from the day's events and the strength you have gained from those lessons.

Feel yourself relaxing as the day's stresses flow out of you. Close your eyes and take long, slow breaths, until you feel completely at peace. Remember that both the tarot and life are about learning and experience.

From Llewellyn's 2001 Tarot Calendar. For more Llewellyn tarot books and decks, click here.

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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