Posted Under Magic & Ritual

Planetary Images

Magical Manuscript

Below, you will find seven planetary image descriptions that were designed by the sixteenth-century magician Cornelius Agrippa to have the maximum possible impact on your unconscious mind and allow you to understand the planetary forces. Some of the images are familiar; others will strike you as strange. This is because they were in the language of the unconscious, and the unconscious mind can produce some strange and disturbing images at times!

If you want to remember something, make a story out of the magical image that includes what you want to remember. If you want to remember that the password on your computer is "Badger," you would place a badger on Mercury's lap, perhaps with the word "password" written on it. If you have a problem with your computer and are trying to find the solution without bothering the help desk, you would visualize this magical image and ask it for help.

Which Planetary Image Do You Use?

Fate, time, the past, limits and boundaries, form, structures including houses, old age, ambition, bones, knees, skeleton, shins, ankles and circulation, rheumatism, arthritis, envy, suffering, feat, guilt, toxins, repressed aspects of the self, death, vermin and lice, politicians, scientists, architects, teachers, mines, mountains, and wastelands.

Lawmaking, opportunity, growth, progress, evolution, money, banks, rulers, royalty, faith, hope, charity, redemption, freedom, spiritual wisdom and development, hypocrisy, hips, thighs, feet, lawyers, priests, counselors, actors, open spaces, public places, and panoramic views.

Wars, anger, action, sexual desire, physical energy, guards, courts, justice, courage, protection, transformation, revenge, destruction, surgery, the head, genitals, excretory system, rashes, red spots, migraine, predators, soldiers, surgeons, athletes, furnaces, furnaces, and metal work.

Love, eroticism, desire, pleasure, inspiration, joy, partnerships, peace, friendship, creativity, the arts, beauty, evaluation, promiscuity, overindulgence, lewdness, gentle animals, the throat and neck, kidneys, lower neck, diplomacy, artist, fashions, bedrooms, and gardens.

Communication, movement, messengers, computers, the media, language, trade, theft, magic, skill, learning, intellect psychology as a science, science, rationality, cunning and mischievous animals like monkeys, digestive system, arms and hands, merchants, clerks, accountants, scholars, universities, examinations, shops, schools, airports, and train and bus stations.

The unconscious, habits, instinct, sea, rhythm, the astral realm,mysteries, women (particularly their health), mothers, childbirth, psychics, menstruation, mental health, the stomach, breasts,warts, sterility, obsessions, delusions, insanity, cleaners, brewers, midwives, sailors, and harbors.

The Sun
Leadership, general health, healing, organization, arrogance, display, drama, fathers, power, individualization, the heart, the back, the lungs, kings, directors, managers, actors, palaces, and theaters.

The Planetary Magical Images

An old man dressed in black, sitting on a high chair, his hands are above his head, and he holds either a fish or a sickle. Under his feet are a bunch of grapes and his head is covered with a black cloth.

A crowned man dressed in saffron-covered robes riding an eagle or a dragon. In his right band is a dart, and he is about to strike the eagle or dragon. Or, a crowned naked man, who has his hands joined together and lifted up. He is sitting in a four-legged chair, which is carried by four winged boys.Or, a man with the head of a lion, or ram and eagle’s feet, clothed in saffron-colored robes.

An armed man riding on a lion, carrying a naked sword in his right hand and a decapitated head in his left. Or, a soldier crowned, armed with a long lance.

A crowned king clothed in saffron colors, sitting on a chair, holding a raven, with a globe under his feet. Or, a woman crowned with fire, dancing and laughing while standing on a four-horsed chariot. In her right hand is a mirror, or shield in her left. Leaning on her breast is a staff.

A woman with the head of a bird and the feet of an eagle, holding a dart in her hand. Or, a naked young woman with her hair spread out, holding a mirror. There is a chain about her neck, and a handsome young man holds the chain with his left hand as he fixes her hair with his right hand. They look lovingly at each other, and a winged boy holding a sword or dart is about them.

A handsome, bearded young man. In his left hand is a caduceus, and in his right is a dart or a flute. He has winged feet. Or, a man sitting in a chair or riding on a peacock. He has eagle’s feet and a crest on his head. In his left hand he holds a rooster or fire.

A man leaning on a staff, with a bird on his head and a flourishing tree before him. A horned woman riding a bull, a dragon with seven heads, or a crab. She has in her right hand a dart, and in her left a mirror. She is clothed in white or green and has on her head two snakes with horns joined together.

A word of caution here. Just because the magical image gives you an answer does not mean that it is right or that you heard it correctly. Sometimes (particularly when you ask a magical image about your love life) your lower unconscious mind will put the words it wants to hear in the magical image’s mouth. For example, when I had a crush on a woman and wanted to know if she was interested in me, I approached the magical image of Venus and asked it if the woman was interested in me. I was told emphatically “Yes!” but I noticed that the image actually shook her head when she said yes (in other words, the image was saying no but my lower self was blotting this out). Confused, I asked again and this time the head nodded while the voice said “Yes.” All that had happened was my lower self had realized that the image was shaking its head and made sure it could not do this again.

When using magical images it is always important to listen, watch, and accept that the first thing you were told was the proper message. Then test what you have heard against logic and reason. It is possible that you have been conned by your lower self, so you have to be careful. My first reading of the situation was correct.The woman was not interested, and the magical image had told me so.

Excerpted from Magical Pathworking by Nick Farrell

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