Posted Under Meditation

Guided Meditation for the Emotional Intuitive

Crystal Ball in Hand

Because emotional intuitives are usually highly attuned to psychic emotional energy, it is necessary for them to become skilled at balancing with calm insight the feelings and emotions they intuit. When emotional intuitives are able to identify the emotions they are picking up on, they will be better able to interpret what they are psychically receiving. They will then be able to release what they do not need and come into inner harmony. If you are an emotional intuitive, the lighthouse meditation will help you to learn how to accept the emotions that you intuit without being overwhelmed or negatively impacted by them.

  • Lie or sit in a comfortable position that you can stay in for a period of time, perhaps twenty or thirty minutes. Close your eyes and take a long, deep breath. Send the energy of your breath to any part of your body that is sore, tense, or tight. Breathe in again, then exhale any stress or tension you find anywhere in your body. Breathe in again and let go of any thoughts, worries, or concerns of the day, or week, exhaling the stress or tension you find anywhere in your body. Breathing and relaxing, going deeper and deeper into relaxation, breathing in, letting go of any emotions that surface, breathing in, letting go, and going deeper and deeper into relaxation. Relaxing, going deeper and deeper into relaxation, releasing any worries or cares of the day—let them go as you breathe out, breathing and letting go any emotions rocking around inside. Let yourself become aware of them and then release them with your breath: easy, calm, relaxed breath, free and easy.
  • Imagine that you are on a beautiful beach on a warm and clear day. Imagine that you are walking along the shore, feeling the sand warming your feet, as you continue along the shore. Breathing in the salt air, you feel even more relaxed. The sun is setting as you walk along the shore and watch the waves rolling in toward you. You hear the sounds of the sea, relaxing and inviting. Now you notice the bright beam of a light spreading across the waves. As the sun sets, the light becomes brighter and stronger. As you continue to walk, you notice a tall lighthouse in the distance; it stands close to shore and you walk toward the lighthouse. As you approach it, you notice its strong structure. It is old, yet made to withstand the weather and sea.
  • You decide to enter the lighthouse. Once inside, you climb the circular stairs… you grasp the railing and step by step, you go higher and higher. You feel safe as you ascend these stairs. You are going higher and higher, and now you come to the top floor of the lighthouse. There is a comfortable chair in the room at the top of the lighthouse. It looks out across the sea. You take a seat and sink into the overstuffed cushions. You watch the light beam from the lighthouse spread out over the sea. A wind has picked up over the ocean, and there seems to be a distant storm making its way to shore, tossing the waves tumultuously over one another. The light from the lighthouse calls out to the turbulent seas.
  • You feel the darkness of the storm coming closer and closer. This storm holds the potency of emotion; there may be fear, frustration, or jealousy within the winds and clouds of the storm. The beam of light invites these feelings closer. It calls out to them and beckons them to come closer. There might be feelings and emotions within you that surface as they are drawn toward the light. The feelings and emotions intensify; you can feel their force and you can feel the sharpness of these feelings. Yet they cannot harm or hurt you.
  • Without resisting, notice how these intense feelings dissolve into the light cast by the lighthouse. The light envelops the emotions. The feelings—such as anger, pain, jealousy, and frustration—all soften as they enter the bright light. The light from the lighthouse becomes stronger and brighter as these feelings merge into it. After these feelings enter the light, they then emerge as clear, vibrant, positive energy. The negativity that these emotions contained is now transformed into translucent, radiant waves.
  • You may feel these feelings as they pass into the light. The light is strong, and it calls out into the storm. Meanness, anger, anxiety, stress—these, too, come close as the light invites them, transforms them into pure energy.
  • You are energized and strengthened as you witness the process of the cleansing light. More emotions may surface. The light absorbs all of the wide range of emotions. You feel clear and calm. Now you notice the waves diminishing as the storm loses its force. Soon the sea is calm and serene as it spreads out before you like clear translucent glass underneath the moon shining in the night sky. It, too, spreads light, serenity, calm, and peace. You feel the silence all around you. You settle into a deep inner peace. It is in this calmness that you ask for guidance, which you can receive with clarity. Sit quietly and ask any questions that you might have. Breathe and receive images, information, and feelings. Just listen and accept whatever it is that you receive.
  • Breathing calmly, take all the time you need. When you are ready, descend the stairway of the lighthouse. You are now back on the warm, sandy beach. You are completely in your body and you can feel movement in your hands and feet. You are feeling better than you have in a long time. Now you are nearly back in the here and now. Count: one… coming back; two… completely in this room; three… open your eyes.

Affirmation: I let go, and let God. God has a plan for each of us. I am Love. I am compassionate and wise.

Excerpted from Discover Your Psychic Type: Developing Your Natural Intuition by Sherrie Dillard

About Sherrie Dillard

Sherrie Dillard (Durham, North Carolina) has been a professional psychic, medium, and therapist for over thirty years and she has given over 50,000 readings worldwide. She has taught intuition development at Duke University ...

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