Posted Under Tarot

Tarot Spell To Attract Many Friends

Tarot Cards

This spell is based on the principle that "like attracts like." Perform this spell if you want to expand your circle of friends and find other persons who share your interests—who are "kindred spirits."

The first card in this layout is a Knight. Knights represent new persons who come into your life and get you involved in new experiences. Choose the knight from the suit which best typifies your interests: Wands for active types, Cups for emotionally oriented persons, Swords for intellectuals, and Pentacles, for trades and craftspersons. The Two of Cups covering your Significator is a bridge to a relationship between yourself and those others you would enjoy having enter your life. The Three of Cups shows the objective; you sharing good times with good friends.

As accessories for this spell, you will need two identical glasses or goblets. Choose the nicest ones you can find, perhaps buying some especially for this purpose. Have one of the goblets filled with pure water (or any other beverage that is pleasing to you), and set them near the area where the cards are to be laid out. (Also, have a napkin on hand, in case there are any spills.) If you wish other accessories, choose candles, flowers, crystals and gemstones, and cloth to lay the cards upon, in shares of blue for loyalty and friendship, white for purity of intention and the pure energy that can be converted into any shade of friendship, or gold for attractiveness and expansiveness.

To perform this spell, you may use it in combination with the ritual provided in chapter 1, improvise a ritual of your own, or just proceed by laying out the cards and doing the following meditation, visualization, and affirmation.

Meditation and Visualization
When ready, set your Significator down first. Visualize the kind of person you are, what you like to do, what sort of experiences you like to share with others.

Next set the Two of Cups in place on top of your Significator. Think about your need to reach out and connect with more people. You are a person who wants good friends, and who is also capable of being a good friend.

Now, to the left of this, set down the Knight—the one which you have chosen to represent your interests and the sort of things which you would like to become involved in. Consider how channels are opening to bring people into your life who will share your interests.

Finally, lay down the Three of Cups to the right, as indicated in the diagram. Visualize yourself enjoying yourself among other people in the type of setting that you most prefer. If you are an active sort who enjoys being out in nature, you might picture yourself among friends at the beach, on a hike, or at a picnic. If intellectual matters are more appealing to you, you might picture yourself at a soiree, holding stimulating discussions with interesting characters. Whatever activities you choose to visualize, hold their images in your mind for a few minutes.

After having devoted a few moments to the visualization, take up the two goblets and pour the fluid slowly and carefully from one cup to the other while saying the following affirmation.

"I reach out with the power of my heart,
and the power of my mind!
I call to those with kindred spirits,
hearts, and minds,
and they answer me.
I give friendship,
I take friendship,
I share good times with my friends.
All channels of society are open to me.
Friendship comes from many sources,
from near,
from far,
from expected sources,
and unexpected sources.
As I will,
so it is, and so shall it be!"

When you are finished with the affirmation, divide the fluid so there is an equal amount in each cup, and then take a sip from each cup. (You may drink it all, if you like.)

You may consider the spell closed at this point or you may close the spell as desired.

Excerpted from Tarot Spells by Janina Reneé

About Janina Renée

Janina Renée is a scholar of folklore, psychology, medical anthropology, the material culture of magic, ritual studies, history, and literature. Her books include Tarot Spells, Tarot Your Everyday Guide (winner ...

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